Simon, great organization of your critique. The author has valid points. Both Simon and the author of the article "Trump-Reagan parallels are scary, but not for the reasons critics think," agree that violence is never the answer. After president Trump came to office, the line separating Americans from each other has become clearer. Violence has increased among people. This is due to stereotype of different groups. The author focuses in comparing Trump and other leaders in history. Comparing both Trump and Regan has caused many to wonder in what way? As humans we are all different and have different opinions of each president. For example back then when Reagan was in office many disagree with his beliefs and views. Now as president Trump continues his duties as a president to “Make America great again” he has many people who do not agree with him. Both leaders may have many things in common but what is the difference now to then Simon? The only thing that is very different from then to now, in my point of view is violence has increased.